Brian shares with you why he waited ten years before taking the plunge into the real estate industry. Don’t wait like he did. Life is too short to convert your passion and side hustle into reality.
Life is about the journey, not a destination – anonymous. I cannot believe it’s been one year. As I write this and self reflect on my official first year (really my seventeenth 😉 in real estate, I’m going to share with you my three key takeaways. First, I have to give thanks to my support
Brian shares with you a little more about his work experience in the accounting & finance world and working as a bean counter.
Brian shares with you his experience while at Simon Fraser University and a little bit more about his co-op work experience (similar to a practicum or paid internship).
Brian shares with you a little more about his background and what he studied in uni. What he concentrated in and his struggles finding a job during the tech meltdown.